Encara hi ha algú al bosc (documental)

Erol Ileri Llordella and Teresa Turiera-Puigbò
  • 2020

A documentary that gives a voice to the forgotten of the Balkan War, in a year that marks the 25th anniversary of the peace treaty

A documentary that gives a voice to the forgotten of the Balkan War, in a year that marks the 25th anniversary of the peace treaty

  • Documentary cinema
  • Human rights
  • Sexual violence

The Cultura i Conflicte team brings us this journalistic documentary that uses testimonies to shed light on an unfinished and little known chapter in the history of Europe. Milica, Nevenka and Meliha are three women from different ethnic backgrounds who tell us how they suffered the atrocities of war in their bodies, through rape. LejlaAjna and Alen are three “forgotten children of war”: children born of these wartime rapes who not only seek justice but also fight against oblivion, indifference and the stigmas affecting them.  


Encara hi ha algú al bosc is a multidisciplinary project and consists of a play, a documentary and a photographic installation, as well as a round table. 

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Direction: Erol Ileri Llordella and Teresa Turiera-Puigbò 
  • Script: Teresa Turiera-Puigbò 
  • Realization: Erol Ileri Llordella 
  • Photography: Tyler Franta 
  • Executive production: Cultura i Conflicte and Bonobo Films 
  • www.culturaiconflicte.org  
Veure més

Parallel activities

Photographic installation

Dates to be specified

Centre Cultural La Mercè

Photographs by Oriol Casanovas and a research work by the collective Cultura i Conflicte

More information

Post-documental colloquium

NEW DATE: November 25th at 9 pm

Sala Truffaut (Cinemes Albèniz Plaça)

With Teresa Turiera-Puigbò, director of the documentary Encara hi ha algú al bosc


Sign-up here

Round table


Centre Cultural La Mercè

With Nihad Kreševljaković, director of the Festival Internacional de Teatre de Sarajevo MESS Festival; Joan Arqué, director of the play Encara hi ha algú al bosc; and Teresa Turiera-Puigbò, director of the homonymous documentary

Dinamizes: Recomana


Sign-up here

+ Info

Duration: 52 min

Documentary in English and Bosnian with Catalan subtitles

Session presented by Guillem Terribas, with the presence of Erol Ileri, Teresa Turiera-Puigbò and Tyler Franta

The Temporada Alta film program is made in coordination and collaboration with the Col·lectiu de Crítics de Cinema de Girona / Cinema Truffaut

25 November, 20:00
WARNING: Show rescheduled for 25th of November due to Covid-19 regulations
Price: 7€

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