XIII Torneig de dramatúrgia
- 2023

The most dramatic confrontation in Temporada Alta
The most dramatic confrontation in Temporada Alta
The Playwrighting Tournament now boasts thirteen years of outstanding success, expanding unstoppably to Catalan and Spanish speaking regions. A battle of words with the audience as the sole judge.
Artistic team
09.10.22 – Aleix Fauró vs. Sergio Baos
16.10.22 – Amparo Vayà vs. Pau Coya
23.10.22 – Isis Martin vs. Gemma Rodríguez
06.11.22 –Frank Bayer vs. Lali Álvarez Garriga
13.11.22 – 1ª Semifinal
20.11.22 – 2ª Semifinal
Authors: Lali Álvarez Garriga, Sergio Baos, Frank Bayer, Pau Coya, Aleix Fauró, Isis Martin, Gemma Rodríguez, Amparo Vayà
Production: Temporada Alta