XIII Torneig de dramatúrgia

Several authors
  • 2023

The most dramatic confrontation in Temporada Alta

The most dramatic confrontation in Temporada Alta

  • Participatory

The Playwrighting Tournament now boasts thirteen years of outstanding success, expanding unstoppably to Catalan and Spanish speaking regions. A battle of words with the audience as the sole judge.

Artistic team

Artistic team


09.10.22 – Aleix Fauró vs. Sergio Baos
16.10.22 – Amparo Vayà vs. Pau Coya
23.10.22 – Isis Martin vs. Gemma Rodríguez
06.11.22 –Frank Bayer vs. Lali Álvarez Garriga


13.11.22 – 1ª Semifinal
20.11.22 – 2ª Semifinal



Authors: Lali Álvarez Garriga, Sergio Baos, Frank Bayer, Pau Coya, Aleix Fauró, Isis Martin, Gemma Rodríguez, Amparo Vayà

Production: Temporada Alta

Veure més
9 October, 20:0016 October, 20:0023 October, 20:006 November, 20:0013 November, 20:0020 November, 20:004 December, 20:00
Duration: 2 h
Price: €5

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