XI Torneig de Dramatúrgia Catalana (At distance)

Various authors
  • 2021
  • At distance 2021

The audience once again has all the power to decide who is the best author of this classic theatrical combat

The audience once again has all the power to decide who is the best author of this classic theatrical combat

  • Discoveries
  • Dramatised reading
  • Popular vote

The festival is once again offering its Torneig de Dramatúrgia via streaming. You will also be able to enjoy a preview of the eight participating texts from home. Four bouts, two semi-finals and a grand final to decide which of the eight playwrights presenting themselves this year (Yago Alonso, Carmen Marfà, Bàrbara Mestanza, Bernat Molina, Oriol Morales, Begoña Tena, Albert Tola and Aina Tur) will be proclaimed the winner. At distance option inaugurated in the 2020 edition, which returns due to the great acceptance it had.


18.10.21 – Oriol Morales vs. Bernat Molina
25.10.21 – Bárbara Mestanza vs. Albert Tola
08.11.21 – Aina Tur vs. Yago Alonso
15.11.21 – Begoña Tena vs. Carmen Marfà

22.11.21 – First semi-final: Bernat Molina vs. Yago Alonso
29.11.21 – Second semi-final: Bàrbara Mestanza vs. Carmen Marfà
13.12.21 – Grand final: Bernat Molina vs. Bàrbara Mestanza

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Host: Meritxel Yanes
  • Production: Temporada Alta
  • With
Veure més
+ Info

Duration: 2 h


18 October, 20:0025 October, 20:008 November, 20:0015 November, 20:0022 November, 20:0029 November, 20:0013 December, 20:00
Live broadcasting
ATTENTION: Voting will only take place in person.
Price: 2 €

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