That’s the story of my life
- 2020
- At distance 2020

Macarena Recuerda debuts in Temporada Alta with her award-winning audiovisual autobiography
Macarena Recuerda debuts in Temporada Alta with her award-winning audiovisual autobiography
Memories, the moments that mark us, those photographs that, without looking, we can recreate in detail with our eyes closed, those elements that form part of our life. Live on stage Macarena Recuerda builds her own life through the flashes of memory that link them together, arrange and give way to an audiovisual biography. Through stop-motion and other object animation techniques, the artiste recreates family photos by playing all their protagonists but without them being physically on stage. A show revived from her successful 2011 tour that examines the role of visual memory through pictorial, photographic and cinematic images.
Artistic team
- A show by: Macarena Recuerda Shepherd
- With the collaboration of: Manu Morales
- Video: Alphax
- Edition: Gorka Bilbao
- Zootropes: Alberto Pastore
- With the collaboration of: Lorea Uresberueta and Mónica del Castillo
- Production: MiCarteraPatrocina, CoNCA – Generalitat de Catalunya
- With the collaboration of: Bilbao Escena, Bilbao Arte, L’Antic Teatre and Teatre Lliure
Duration: 50 min
Show in Spanish
This show is presented within the framework of Pyrenart, project POCTEFA 2014-2020 (Spain-France-Andorra) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund