Serà el nostre secret

Daniela Feixas - Marta Montiel - Elies Barberà
  • 2020

The Sala Planeta’s new project in the verbatim theatre cycle now focuses its attention on the shocking testimonies of those who have suffered some type of sexual violence

The Sala Planeta’s new project in the verbatim theatre cycle now focuses its attention on the shocking testimonies of those who have suffered some type of sexual violence

  • For reflection
  • Sexual violence

One in five people in Catalonia has suffered some type of sexual violence during their childhood. Although child abuse has lifelong physical, emotional and psychological consequences, it is enveloped in silence. Only when you can explain what you have experienced can you begin to understand. Spoken words make us aware, show the aggressor’s abuse and the cowardice of cover-ups, and shake the values of our society. That is why, through verbatim theatre, we reflect the experiences and thoughts of people who have gone through this trauma and wanted to share it with us. 

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Original idea: Marta Montiel and Elies Barberà 
  • Dramaturgy and direction: Daniela Feixas 
  • Performers: Marta Montiel and Elies Barberà 
  • Musician: Èric Serrano 
  • Scenic space and costume: Anna Tantull 
  • Lighting and sound space: Lluís Robirola 
  • Piano in CorvusGregori Ferrer 
  • Production: Sala La Planeta and Mithistòrima Produccions 
Veure més

From the same Teatre Verbatim cycle

Els diners, el desigels drets (TA19), El color de la llum (TA19, TA18 y TA17), Mili KK (TA18), No m’oblideu mai (TA18) 



Nena – Torneig de Dramatúrgia (TA18), Simone (TA17), Amanita Phaloides – Torneig de Dramatúrgia (TA14), Primera Plana (TA13), L’últim cigarro (TA02) 

Parallel activities


Friday 16th October at 21.55 h – Dinamizes Núria Martorell

Saturday 17th October at 21.55 h – Dinamizes Lita Arroyo

Sunday 18th October at 19.25 h – Dinamizes: Nuri Babot

Organizes: Sala La Planeta

More information

+ Info

Duration: 1 h 20 min

16 October, 20:3017 October, 20:3018 October, 18:00
Price: 18€

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