
Anna M. Ricart - Joan Arqué - Sol Picó
  • 2022

Cultura i conflicte presents a new show and an instalation from a text by Anna Maria Ricart i Codina

Cultura i conflicte presents a new show and an instalation from a text by Anna Maria Ricart i Codina

  • Individual and community
  • Old people
  • Over time

After condemning the legacy of violence in the Balkans War, the group Cultura i Conflicte focuses its new multidisciplinary project on questioning our relationship with old age through the rebellion of bodies.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Creation: Cultura i Conflicte

Dramaturgy: Anna M. Ricart

Direction: Joan Arqué Solà

Choreographic direction: Sol Picó

Performers: Imma Colomer, Montse Colomer, Oriol Genís, Arthur Rosenfeld, Magda Puig, Erol Ileri and Piero Steiner / Enric Ases

Extras: Gemma Masip, Elisa Muixí, Maribel Sabaté, Pilar Sala, Rosa Serra

Scenic and visual creation: Magda Puig Torres

Scenic space: Judit Colomer

Costume: Rosa Lugo Fàbregas

Lighting: Jou Serra

Music and sound space: Pepino Pascual

Video: Erol Ileri Llordella

Assistant director: Carla Tovias

Production direction: Òscar Balcells

Executive production: Judit Codina Serra

Technical manager: Xavier Amat

Technicians on tour: Marc Jodar and Jordi Domènech

Administration: Mònica Cardús

Communication and press: Núria Olivé

Research and documentation: Teresa Turiera-Puigbó Bergadà Marissa Paituví

Photography: Marta García Cardellach

Production: Cultura i Conflicte and Teatro de la Aurora

Co-production: TNC y Temporada Alta

Distribution: Roser Soler

Veure més

From the same collective

Encara hi ha algú al bosc (TA20)

+ Info


Canto jo i la muntanya balla (TA21), Veus que no veus (TA19)


Malditas plumas (TA20), Red Room (TA19), Dancing with Frogs (TA17), We Women (TA15), One Hit Wonders (TA14), Memòries d’una puça (TA12), Bésame el cactus (TA01)


10 November, 20:00
Duration: 1 h 20 min
Show in Catalan with fragments in Italian and English subtitled
Price: €28 and €18


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