
Mal Pelo
  • 2021

Mal Pelo bids farewell to the Bach Project tetralogy with an elegant and poetic show

Mal Pelo bids farewell to the Bach Project tetralogy with an elegant and poetic show

  • Classical music
  • Poesia visual
  • Visual poetry

Highlands is the fourth piece in a project in which the inimitable Mal Pelo company has delved into Bach’s work, his landscapes and emotions. The show explores various pieces by the composer from choreographic and stage perspectives.

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Authory: Mal Pelo
  • Direction: Pep Ramis and María Muñoz
  • Musical direction: Quiteria Muñoz and Joel Bardolet
  • Creation and dance: Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Federica Porello, Leo Castro, Zoltan Vakulya, Miquel Fiol, Enric Fàbregas and Ona Fusté
  • Musicians and singers: Joel Bardolet (violin), Jaume Guri (violin), Masha Titova (viola), Daniel Claret (cello), Quiteria Muñoz (soprano), David Sagastume (countertenor), Mario Corberán (tenor) and Giorgio Celenza (bass)
  • Scenic space: Kike Blanco
  • Costume: CarmePuigdevalliPlantés
  • Lighting: August Viladomat and Irene Ferrer
  • Sound space: Fanny Thollot
  • Digital tools: Irene Ferrer
  • Production: Mal Pelo
  • Coproduction: Mercat de les Flors, Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale de Perpignan, Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne de Toulouse, l’ICEC – Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Teatre Principal de Palma de Mallorca, el Festival de Otoño and Temporada Alta
  • www.malpelo.org
Veure més

By the same company

Inventions (TA20), On Goldberg Variations/ Variations (TA19), The mountain, the truth and the paradise (TA17), El cinquè hivern (TA15), L’incontro (TA14), L’esperança de vida d’una llebre (TA13), Tallers (TA12), Band (TA12), Tots els noms (TA10), Gironí (TA09), He visto caballos (TA08), Shft… Centre… (TA06), Un pescador con subtítulos (TA06), Bach (TA05), L’étoile des lézards (TA04), Mal Pelo (TA03), Entre les côtes de la baleine (TA02), Atrás los ojos (TA02), L’animal a l’esquena (TA01)

+ Info

Duration: 1 h 30 min

15 October, 20:00
Price: 28 € / 20 € / 8 €


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