Els àngels no tenen fills

Clàudia Cedó
  • 2021

From the research work done for 'Mare de sucre', Clàudia Cedó has created this new piece of verbatim theatre

From the research work done for 'Mare de sucre', Clàudia Cedó has created this new piece of verbatim theatre

  • Diversity
  • Fatherhood and motherhood
  • Integration

What gives one part of society the right to decide on the sexual and reproductive rights of the other? One of the many questions in this verbatim play by the writer of Una gossa en un descampat.

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Dramaturgy and direction: Clàudia Cedó
  • Performers: Andrea Álvarez, Marc Buxaderas and Berta Camps
  • Direction assistant: Maria Cambil
  • Care support and council: Juli Palacios
  • Scenic space and costume: Gemma Moreno
  • Lighting and sound space: Lluís Robirola
  • Video: Clàudia Barberà
  • Executive Producers: Marta Iglesias and Roser Soler
  • Management: Roser Soler
  • Production: Mithistòrima Produccions, SL and Sala La Planeta
  • Coproduction: Festival Temporada Alta
  • With the collaboration of Escenaris Especials
  • With the support of ICEC, Ajuntament de Girona and Diputació de Girona
  • www.escenarisespecials.com
Veure més

By the same creator

Love (TA19), Una gossa en un descampat (TA19), Un home sense veu (TA16), DNI – Torneig de Dramatúrgia (TA15)

+ Info

Duration: 1 h 15 min


3 December, 20:004 December, 20:005 December, 18:00
Price: 18 €


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