El cos més bonic que s’haurà trobat mai en aquest lloc

Josep Maria Miró – Xavier Albertí
  • 2021

A monologue written by a great author, directed by a great director and performed by a great actor

A monologue written by a great author, directed by a great director and performed by a great actor

  • Crimes
  • Monologue
  • Research

A project with three big names from Catalan theatre reunited. An acting challenge for Pere Arquillué, directed by Xavier Albertí and written by Josep Maria Miró, the only playwright who has won the Born Theatre Award three times.

Artistic team

Artistic team

  • Authory: Josep Maria Miró
  • Direction, lighting design, scenography, costumes and musical composition: Xavier Albertí
  • Assistant director: Roger Vila
  • Performer: Pere Arquillué
  • Lighting: Toni Ubach
  • Executive production and management: Nuri Santalò
  • Production manager: Clàudia Flores
  • Production direction: Josep Domènech
  • Production: Temporada Alta
  • Co-production with Teatre Romea
Veure més

By the same director

L’empestat (TA17, TA15), Dues dones que ballen (TA11), Estimat Comadira (TA11), La corte del faraón (TA08), Soterrani (TA08), La caiguda d’Amlet (TA07), Crónica sentimental de España (TA06), Boris Vian, constructor d’imperis (TA03), Et diré sempre la veritat (TA02), Más extraño que el paraíso (TA01), Ànsia (TA00)

+ Info

Duration: 1 h 45 min


10 December, 20:0011 December, 20:00New functions:12 December, 18:00
Price: 30 € / 18 €

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