- 2020
- At distance 2020

A direct, poignant and revealing show about mass control mechanisms by a theatre company with a unique personality
A direct, poignant and revealing show about mass control mechanisms by a theatre company with a unique personality
What is the most effective method of controlling the crowd? Why does fear work? How is a leader born? Why are we listening? Can we only survive as a group? What makes a group of individuals come together spontaneously to achieve a common goal? Just some of the many questions posed by the latest Mos Maiorum project. A poignant and revealing show – half fiction, half documentary – about the various mechanisms of mass mobilisation and control. An anthropological and sociological study of the concept of the mob, gregariousness and the capacity of the masses to transform and act.
Artistic team
- Collective creation of: Mos Maiorum (Mariona Naudin, Ireneu Tranis and Alba Valldaura), with Nicolas Chevallier, María García Vera, Clàudia Vilà and Guillem Llotje
- Dramaturgy: Nicolas Chevallier
- External view: Maria García Vera and Mònica Almirall
- Artistic coordination: Guillem Llotje and Mariona Naudin
- Scenic space: Clàudia Vilà
- Costume design: Joana Martí
- Lighting: Daniel Miracle
- Sound space: Guillem Llotje
- Executive production: Haizea Arrizabalaga
- Technical coordination: Carles Borràs
- Coproduction: Mos Maiorum, Teatre Lliure and Temporada Alta
- With the support of: Graner – Centre de creació de dansa i arts vives, Teatre Principal de Terrassa and OSIC – Generalitat de Catalunya
- Acknowledgements: Gonçal Mayos and Núria Solanas
- https://es.mosmaiorum.info/
Parallel activities
Friday 30th October at 21.50 h
With the company
Dinamizes: Agost Produccions
Duration: 1 h 15 min (aprox.)
Show in Catalan, Spanish and English