La first casi blind date

Francesc Cuéllar
At distance Icona
At distance
  • 2020
  • At distance 2020

A blind date via Zoom: this is the experience offered by this show for an audience of one

A blind date via Zoom: this is the experience offered by this show for an audience of one

  • Couple relations
  • Participation
  • To reflect

This initiative for an audience of one offers the chance to have a blind date via Zoom with an actor or actress. With the ticket, you can choose if you want to have a date with a man or a woman. Once you’ve chosen, the game of appearances begins. A first date is more complex than it seems. What do we want to reveal and what do we want to hide about ourselves? What truths do we share and what lies do we fabricate? What apparently are our strengths? How do we sell ourselves sexually and emotionally? And do they buy us? Are we legal, vulnerable and transparent? Perhaps, at the end of this tête à tête, these questions will not seem so remote.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Original idea and direction: Francesc Cuéllar
Performers: Hodei Arrastoa, Karin Barbeta, Babou Cham, Max Díaz, Denise Duncan, Penélope Guerrero, Telmo Irureta, Marc Martínez, Bàrbara Mestanza and Sandra Monclús
Production: Fundación Agrupación Colectiva and Temporada Alta 2020    
In collaboration with: Nau Ivanow

Veure més
+ Info

Duration: 30 min


Show in Catalan or Spanish

New formats
3 November, 20:003 November, 20:453 November, 21:305 November, 20:005 November, 20:455 November, 21:30
Price: 10€
New formats
3 November, 20:003 November, 20:453 November, 21:305 November, 20:005 November, 20:455 November, 21:30
Price: 10€

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