
Romeo Castellucci - Isabelle Huppert

    Isabelle Huppert, por primera vez, bajo la dirección de Romeo Castellucci, protagoniza el clásico de Racine

    Isabelle Huppert, por primera vez, bajo la dirección de Romeo Castellucci, protagoniza el clásico de Racine

    Romeo Castellucci adapts Racine’s classic starring Isabelle Huppert. A woman trapped between love and politics, a show that bears the unmistakable mark of a cult director.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Conceived and directed by: Romeo Castellucci
    A monologue freely inspired by Jean Racine’s Bérénice.

    Performers: Isabelle Huppert, Cheikh Kébé, Giovanni Manzo and the participation of twelve local people
    Music: Scott Gibbons
    Costumes: Iris van Herpen
    Costumes: Chiara Venturini
    Make-up and hairdressing: Sylvie Cailler and Jocelyne Milazzo
    Sculptures and scenic automatisms: Plastikart Studio Amoroso et Zimmermann

    Production: Ciutat Europea del Teatre (Montpellier) and Societat Romeo Castellucci
    Co-production: Teatre de la Ville de Paris, Comédie de Genève (Switzerland), Teatres de la Ville de Luxembourg, deSingel International Arts Center (Belgium), Teatre de Nàpols – Teatre Nacional (Italy), Thalia Theater (Hamburg), Onassis Stegi (Greece), Triennale de Milà (Italy), National Taichung Theater (Taiwan), Holland Festival, LAC, Lugano Arte e Cultura (Switzerland), TAP – Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand (France), Teatre Nacional de Bretanya, Yanghua Theatre (Xina) and Temporada Alta.

    With the support of Fundació Corporativa Hermès

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    From the same director

    Bros (TA21), Il Terzo Reich (TA21), Ethica. Natura e origine della mente (TA17), Juli Cèsar. Trossos (TA14)

    + Info

    Spanish premiere


    23 November, 20:0024 November, 18:00
    Duration: 1 h 30 min
    Show in French with English and Spanish surtitles.
    Price: 36 € / 25 € / 10 €


    Prepara la teva funció

    Before entering the performance, contextualize everything you should know about Romeo Castellucci, with Andreu Gomila