Temporada Alta, which will be held from October to December, heads up the 28th edition with a total of 21 co-productions, which bring together some big names from the international stage as well as both well-established and emerging directors and playwrights from Catalonia. The festival weaves alliances with companies, producers, theatres and other festivals and positions itself as one of the leading performing arts festivals in our region.
The Brazilian director Christiane Jatahy will be one of the highlights of the festival, which continues making efforts to attract international talent. Jatahy will present The Lingering Now, the second part of a diptych based on Homer’s Odyssey, linking the Greek epic with the current global movement. Angélica Liddell, one of the less conventional voices from international theatre, will present Una costilla sobre la mesa. Madre, an expiatory play that brings the grief of mourning the death of a mother to the stage. We will also be able to enjoy the “documentary objects theatre” by Oligor together with the Mexican company Microscopía, which this time will première with La melancolía del turista: a play consisting of mechanisms, objects and miniatures which reflect on the imaginary tourist paradise and its decline.

With regards to our local talent, there is the new show by Àlex Rigola; a study of prostitution by choreographer Sol Picó and Susanna Barranco; a choreographic piece undertaken by Marta Carrasco; a proposal from the experimental duet cabosanroque, and the last play by Joan Ollé, an adaptation of La mort i la primavera written by Mercè Rodoreda. These are some of the names of the 21 co-productions and productions to be shown at this year’s festival, which range from significant international stage to emerging directors or our own productions, such as the Playwriting Tournament. The complete programme will be announced in late August.