Angélica Liddell
Born in Figueres (Girona) in 1966, Angélica Liddell has a degree in psychology and dramatic art. Her last name is actually González, but she chose Liddell as a tribute to Alicia Liddell, Lewis Carroll’s source of inspiration for his play Alice in Wonderland. Her productions depart from conventional theatre, which has led her to become one of the most outstanding writers and stage directors on the current scene.
The recognized works of Angélica Liddell
In 1988, with the play Greta quiere suicidarse, he received the first of the many awards he has accumulated throughout his career, among which the National Prize for Dramatic Literature, the Silver Lion of the Venice Theater Biennale stand out (2012) and the Leteo Award (2016).
In 1993, he created the company Atra Bilis Teatro, with which he managed to have his works translated into French, English, Romanian, Russian, German, Polish and Portuguese. His works El año de Ricardo, La casa de la fuerza, Maldito sea el hombre que confía en el hombre, un proyecto de alfabetización, Ping Pang Qiu, Todo el cielo sobre la tierra (El síndrome de Wendy), Ciclo de las resurrecciones, ¿Qué haré yo con esta espada?, El Decamerón, Génesis 6, 6-7, Esta breve tragedia de la carne, La letra escarlata, Una costilla sobre la mesa: Madre and Una costilla sobre la mesa: Padre, they have premiered, among others, at the Avignon Festival, the Wiener Festwochen and the Odeón Theater in Paris.
In her latest productions, Angélica Liddell has focused on the world of tragedy and aesthetic mysticism, first with Liebestod, el olor a sangre no se me quita de los ojos. Juan Belmonte and then with Terebrante, both premiered in 2021. The world of bullfighting is the protagonist of the first work, while with Terebrante he tells us about the deepest pain while paying tribute – in his own way – to the life of flamenco singer Manuel Agujetas.
One of the most valued contemporary playwrights
Angélica Liddell is one of the most valued names among the contemporary theater authors who have emerged in our country since the 1980s. Her theater avoids all conventional dramaturgy and tends to show the darkest aspects of contemporary reality. Sex, death, violence, power or madness are some of the themes he treats obsessively in his texts. His works are full of poignant expressionism, social criticism and exceptional purity, while at the same time searching for meaning through pain and subversion.
This year in Temporada Alta

Vudú (3318) Blixen
Angélica Liddell
Angélica Liddell’s terrible and profound vision of the world is reflected in this new project about the 3318 Blixen asteroid , Isak Dinesen’s literature and pacts with the dev...