Sis hectàrees d’oliveres

Aina Tur - Anna Alarcón - Nao Albet

    A drama by Aina Tur winner of the XVII Quim Masó Award

    A drama by Aina Tur winner of the XVII Quim Masó Award

    Drama written and directed by Aina Tur based on her own experiences, which turns a personal phobia into a universal conflict. A piece about how unspoken fears shape life.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author and director: Aina Tur
    Performers: Anna Alarcón and Nao Albet
    Set and lighting design: Marc Salicrú
    Sound space and musical composition: Jaume Manresa
    Production: Grec 2024 Festival de Barcelona, Temporada Alta, Heartbreak Hotel and Titus Andrònic, SL


    Veure més

    From the same company

    Una galaxia de luciérnagas (TA20)

    15 November, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h (aprox.)
    Price: 28 € / 18 €