Qui a tue mon père (Who Killed My Father)

Édouard Louis - Thomas Ostermeier
  • 2023

Édouard Louis protagonitza un colpidor monòleg sobre la destrucció moral i física del seu pare

Édouard Louis protagonitza un colpidor monòleg sobre la destrucció moral i física del seu pare

  • autofiction
  • autofiction
  • Autofiction
  • Monologue
  • monologue

If there is a recurring name on the most prestigious European stages, it is Édouard Louis. The festival welcomes perhaps one of the most exceptional productions, directed by Thomas Ostermeier, with the writer himself on stage.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Author: Édouard Louis

Direction: Thomas Ostermeier

Playwriting: Florian Borchmeyer and Élisa Leroy

Performer: Édouard Louis

Scenography: Nina Wetzel

Costume: Caroline Tavernier

Lighting: Erich Schneider

Video design: Sébastien Dupouey and Marie Sanchez

Music: Sylvain Jacques

Co-production: Schaubühne (Berlin) and Théâtre de la Ville (Paris)

Veure més

From the same director

Retour à Reims (TA19), Im Herzen der Gewalt (TA18), La mouette (TA16), El matrimoni de Maria Braun (TA15), and more

+ Info

Premiere in Catalonia

France – Germany

28 October, 20:0029 October, 18:00
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Show in French with Catalan subtitles
Price: 30 €


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