
Milo Rau - NTGent
  • 2023

Quatre intèrprets. Tots quatre, família. A l’escenari es barreja la vida i la ficció sota la direcció del sempre colpidor Milo Rau

Quatre intèrprets. Tots quatre, família. A l’escenari es barreja la vida i la ficció sota la direcció del sempre colpidor Milo Rau

  • Based on real events
  • Suicide
  • Thriller

A family commits suicide in 2007 in Calais for no apparent reason. On stage, four actors, also a family, relive that event under the direction of Milo Rau, a master at transferring reality to theatre.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Direction: Milo Rau

Performers: An Miller, Filip Peeters, Leonce Peeters and Louisa Peeters

Dramaturgy and research: Carmen Hornbostel

Lighting: Dennis Diels

Scenic space and costumes: Anton Lukas and Louisa Peeters

Musical arrangements: Saskia Venegas Aernouts

Coach: Peter Seynaeve

Production: NTGent

Co-production: Romaeuropa Festival, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Théâtre de Liège, Schauspiel Stuttgart and Scène Nationale d’Albi

With the support of Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid


Veure més
  • Show sponsored by:

From the same director

Mitleid (TA16)

+ Info

Premiere in Catalonia


24 November, 20:0025 November, 18:00
Duration: 1 h 20 min
Show in Dutch with Catalan subtitles
Price: €36 / €25 / €10


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