
Serafín Teja

    A reflection on the passage of time and its specters

    A reflection on the passage of time and its specters

    A retired artist in a country house. A female voice that tells a story, perhaps about her past. And the ghost of a friend who refuses to leave. A film that speaks of old age and its ghosts, but also of art as an endless struggle. The film stretches the narrative of the fantasy genre, almost to the point of ridicule, until the last part of the film veers towards a documentary tone that disconcerts the viewer.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Director: Serafín Teja
    Cast: Josep Rimbau, María Luchetti, Roser Rimbau, Serafín Teja

    Veure més
    19 November, 20:30
    Duration: 1 h 25 min
    Year: 2024
    Price: 7 €