Lab WE

Mal Pelo

    WE Starting Point Open House Session

    WE Starting Point Open House Session

    Mal Pelo offers us the chance to attend a work in progress of the piece We, which they will present in 2025, with an intergenerational group of dancers to explore the basic principle of movement: walking.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Directed by: María Muñoz and Pep Ramis
    Interpretation and creation: Arianna Bonacina, Luca Bologna, Paula Calveras, Enric Fàbregas, Ona Fusté, Milagros García, Jacob Gregersen, Alec Letcher, Martí Ramis, Paula Ramis y Zoltan Vakulya
    Sound composition: Fanny Thollot
    Lighting: Luís Martí and August Viladomat
    Set design: Mal Pelo
    Costumes: Carme PuigdevalliPlantés
    Video: Leo Castro and Mal Pelo
    Coproduction: Mal Pelo, Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona, ICEC – Generalitat de Catalunya, Temporada Alta – Festival Internacional de Catalunya (Girona/Salt)
    and Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain (Baiona, França)
    Collaboration: Centro Danza Matadero (Madrid) and L’animal a l’esquena (Celrà)

    Veure més

    From the same company

    Double Infinite. The Bluebird Call (TA23), Highlands (TA21), Inventions (TA20), On Goldberg Variations / Variations (TA19), among others

    + Info

    This show is presented within the framework of Pyrenart II, POCTEFA 2021-2027 project (Spain – France – Andorra), co-financed by the European Development Fund (ERDF)


    31 October, 20:00
    Duration to be determined
    Price: 18 €