La passió de Joana D’arc

Carl Theodor Dreyer - Juan de la Rubia

    Screening of Carl Theodor Dreyer's film with live music at Girona Cathedral

    Screening of Carl Theodor Dreyer's film with live music at Girona Cathedral

    A screening of La passió de Joana d’Arc, by Carl Theodor Dreyer, accompanied by the romantic-symphonic organ of the Cathedral. A session that revives the original link between cinema and music.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Director: Carl Theodor Dreyer
    Script: Carl Theodor Dreyer and Joseph Delteil
    Cinematography: Rudolph Maté and Goestula Kottula
    Main actors: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, Maurice Schultz, Michel Simon and Antonin Artaud
    Organist: Juan de la Rubia
    Production company: Museu del Cinema and Temporada Alta

    Veure més
    + Info


    10 October, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h 54 min
    Silent film with Catalan intertitles
    Price: 8 €

    Prepara la teva funció