Joan Miquel Oliver + Da Souza

Mallorca Party
  • 2022

Two of the most important bands of Mallorca on stage

Two of the most important bands of Mallorca on stage

  • Entreteniment
  • Live music
  • Live Music
  • Local artists

Joan Miquel Oliver will revisit the songs from his most appreciated solo albums, such as Surfistes en càmera lenta, Bombón mallorquín or Pegasus. A Mallorca party with a promising generational change: the Da Souza group presenting its first album Salsa agredolça.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Artists: Joan Miquel Oliver & Da Souza (Lluís Cabot, Àngel Garau, Biel Stela, Xavier Hernàndez and Guillem Portell)

Veure més
12 November, 22:00
Duration: 2 h
Price: €18

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