
La Calòrica

    A comedy about the bubble of entrepreneurship

    A comedy about the bubble of entrepreneurship

    The Catalan company of the moment returns to its most caustic production, the story of four friends trapped between the precariousness of the system and a dream imbued with “entrepreneurial culture”.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Joan Yago
    Director: Israel Solà
    Performers: Xavi Francés, Aitor Galisteo, Vanessa Segura and Esther López
    Set design, lighting and costumes: Albert Pascual
    Music: Josep Sánchez-Rico and Ona Pla
    Video: Moosemallow Crew
    Production: La Calórica

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    From the same company

    Le congrès ne marche pas (TA23), Els ocells (TA22, TA18), Arbres, vodka i naus voladores (TA21), Feísima enfermedad y muy triste muerte de la reina Isabel I (TA21), Fairfly (TA18), Bluf (TA14)

    7 December, 17:30
    Duration: 1 h 20 min
    Price: 28 € / 18 €
