El soterrani

Marc Sarrats - Josep Català - María Rovira - Irene Minovas - Manel Vidal
  • 2023
  • 2023
  • Humor
  • Humor
  • monologue
  • Stand-Up

El Soterrani moves from Barcelona to Girona. This den of stars of Catalan humor that was born on the networks and that has consolidated over the course of 5 years until performing at the Teatre Victòria and at Paral·lel 62 brings together figures of national humor and insolence such as Josep Català, Oye Sherman, Marc Sarrats, Manel Vidal and Irene Minovas.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Presenter: Marc Sarrats

Humorists: Josep Català, María Rovira, Irene Minovas and Manel Vidal

Veure més
23 November, 20:00
Duration: 2 h
Show in Catalan
Price: 18€

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