El gos

Lluïsa Cunillé – Albert Arribas

    A play about the failure of education and culture, and the disillusionment of young people in a world dominated by abuses of power

    A play about the failure of education and culture, and the disillusionment of young people in a world dominated by abuses of power

    A young man brings a dog to a retired teacher’s home, an unexpected and disturbing visit. A thriller about masculinity set in the enigmatic universe of Lluïsa Cunillé.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Lluïsa Cunillé
    Direction: Albert Arribas
    Performers: Albert Pérez and Albert Prat
    Set design and costumes: Silvia Delagneau
    Sound space: Lucas Ariel Vallejos
    Production: Centaure Produccions and Amici MiIei, SL

    Veure més

    By the same author

    Els subornats (TA20), Pares nostres (TA16), Saló primavera (TA07), among others

    + Info

    XLVII Born de Teatre Award 2022. With the support of the ICEC

    11 October, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h 10 min
    Price: 18 €
