El gos

Lluïsa Cunillé – Albert Arribas
  • 2024

A play about the failure of education and culture, and the disillusionment of young people in a world dominated by abuses of power

A play about the failure of education and culture, and the disillusionment of young people in a world dominated by abuses of power

A young man brings a dog to a retired teacher’s home, an unexpected and disturbing visit. A thriller about masculinity set in the enigmatic universe of Lluïsa Cunillé.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Author: Lluïsa Cunillé
Direction: Albert Arribas
Performers: Albert Pérez and Albert Prat
Set design and costumes: Silvia Delagneau
Assistant Director: Eva Vilar
Sound space: Lucas Ariel Vallejos
Production: Centaure Produccions and Amici Miei, SL

XLVII Premi Born de Teatre 2022
With the support of l’ICEC
Veure més

By the same author

Els subornats (TA20), Pares nostres (TA16), Saló primavera (TA07), among others

+ Info

XLVII Born de Teatre Award 2022. With the support of the ICEC

11 October, 20:00
Duration: 1 h 10 min
Price: 18 €


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