Casares – Camus: una història d’amor

Mario Gas - Rosa Renom - Jordi Boixaderas

    The love story of one of the most fascinating couples of the French post-war era

    The love story of one of the most fascinating couples of the French post-war era

    Mario Gas adapts the epistolary relationship between Albert Camus and María Casares in an emotive theatre show, a story of passionate love between two outstanding figures of post-war European culture.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Albert Camus and María Casares
    Direction: Mario Gas
    Translation and adaptation: Rosa Renom
    Performers: Rosa Renom and Jordi Boixaderas
    Set design: Sebastià Brosa
    Lighting: Carlos Lucena
    Costumes: Antonio Belart
    Original music and sound space: Orestes Gas
    Video-scene design: Álvaro Luna and Elvira Ruiz Zurita
    Production: Temporada Alta 2023 and Teatre Lliure

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    From the same director

    La isla del aire (TA23), Sondheim x Sondheim. Que passin les pallassos (TA22), Pedro Páramo (TA20), A casa. El monòleg de Homebody/Kabul (TA19), Humans (TA18), entre d’altres

    8 November, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h 30 min
    Price: 28 € / 18 €