Fundació La Ciutat Invisible
What is it?
The Fundació La Ciutat Invisible is a foundation promoted by Bitò that was established in 2013 with the aim of promoting the cultural vitality of the territory and multiplying the points of contact between cultural agents, the business sector and citizens. It promotes debates, research, educational programs and cultural management projects based on the transversality of culture, cultural rights and the educational capacity of the arts. La Ciutat Invisible promotes actions linked to cultural projects such as temporada alta or the Teatro de Salt, in the latter case emphasizing the promotion of social and educational programs to bring the performing arts closer to young people and people at risk of exclusion. With the aim of becoming a crystallizer of all those energies that are mobilized around the performing arts and culture in Girona, La Ciutat Invisible has placed one of its focuses on temporada alta as a prominent reference.
What relationship does it have with Temporada Alta?

The Fundació La Ciutat Invisible and Temporada Alta are joining forces with our sights set on a new paradigm: the Europe of cities, the Europe of culture. We are looking for new ways of managing culture to make it accessible to everyone and guarantee the right of citizens to take part in cultural life. We want the Festival to also be a space for reflection on the performing arts, the creation of new audiences and the relationship between culture, citizenship and education. We have collaborated for years to consolidate Temporada Alta as a reference festival in southern Europe and to position the region as a theatrical centre and generator of culture.
What are the lines of action with Temporada Alta’s festival?
A Tempo, Arts i Formació
It is a project dedicated to strengthening relations between the cultural and educational worlds, to generating and promoting spaces for interaction between students, education professionals and professionals in the arts and culture.
Promoted jointly by the Fundació La Ciutat Invisible and Temporada Alta, with the support of the Fundación Banco de Sabadell and the collaboration of ConArte Internacional, its objectives are to facilitate young people’s access to culture, link artistic activity to social transformation, promote exchange between professionals in the arts and education, implement artistic education in contexts of cultural diversity and promote artistic education for social cohesion.
A Tempo, Arts y Formació is structured around a programme of activities aimed at young people or led by young people. We bring educational centres closer to arts professionals, we integrate culture into educational projects. We promote the transfer between culture and education. At Temporada Alta we want to strengthen the commitment to education and make it one of the axes of the Festival.

El Club de La Ciutat Invisible
El Club de La Ciutat Invisible is made up of a group of spectators interested in the performing arts and culture. In addition to enjoying information, benefits and exclusive proposals for theatre, music, dance, cinema, art and culture, the members of El Club de La Ciutat Invisible cease to be passive spectators and simple cultural consumers to become protagonists of a more participatory cultural model.
Artèria is a new collective from La Fundació La Ciutat Invisible created to bring the performing arts closer to young people under 30, so that you can enjoy various advantages and activities specially designed for you. We want you to make the Festival your own, to tell us what you think, to get involved and to experience the programme and the activities surrounding it even more intensely. We want new blood in Temporada Alta.

Espai de Pensament
The Espai de Pensament is the idea factory of La Ciutat Invisible. It is an organisation that aims to reflect on new forms of culture, on the future of cities as part of Europe or on the relationship between economy and citizenship. It is precisely in this space where already consolidated projects such as A Tempo or Gir 180º began to germinate.
El Cercle de La Ciutat Invisible
The Cercle de La Ciutat Invisible is the meeting point between culture and the business sector. A tool to support the social and civic promotion of the Temporada Alta. The Cercle usually finances one of the top-level international shows of the temporada Alta. We also highlight that, as an initiative of the Butaques Socials Programme, the Cercle gives seats to entities and groups that work for the integration of people at risk of social exclusion.