We collaborate with the Degree in Performing Arts of the University of Girona, taught at the ERAM University School, since its foundation. Artists and creators scheduled in Temporada Alta participate every year as teachers at ERAM. Directors, playwrights and choreographers such as Claudio Tolcachir, Alain Platel, Viviane de Muynck, Fabrice Murgia and Jan Lauwers, among many others, have gone through the school so far. In this way, we contribute to diversifying a teaching team made up of stage professionals such as Xicu Masó, Lluís Homar, Xavier Albertí, Jordi Duran, Marcel Tomàs, Josep Maria Miró, Pau Miró, Alfredo Sanzol, Sílvia Escuder, Llorenç Corbella, Marc Artigau, Llàtzer Garcia or the companies Los Corderos and Mal Pelo.
In addition, as a festival, we offer internships for students, award a scholarship and get involved in many other aspects of this university degree: coordination in the organization of master classes, open rehearsals, attendance at shows, stable presence of the Bitò staff in teaching…