Vania x Vania (v.1)

Javier Cámara – Anton Txékhov – Pablo Remón

    Kamikaze company reinterprets Chekhov's Uncle Vanya with two new versions

    Kamikaze company reinterprets Chekhov's Uncle Vanya with two new versions

    Two independent rewritings of Chekhov’s Uncle Vania with Javier Cámara as the main character. The first version is a stripped back and essential Chekhov; the second, a dialogue that questions the validity of the play.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Text and direction: Pablo Remón
    Performers: Javier Cámara, Juan Codina, Israel Elejalde, Marta Nieto, Manuela Paso i Marina Salas
    Scenic design: Monica Boromello
    Lighting design: David Picazo
    Costume design: Ana López
    Sound design: Sandra Vicente 
    Sound assistant: Kevin Dornan
    Coproduction:Teatro Español i Teatro Kamikaze

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    + Info

    Premiere in Catalonia

    12 October, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h 45 min
    Prices package 2 shows: 60, 40 and 16 €
    Show in spanish
    Price: 36€ / 25€ / 10€

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