Un poyo rojo

Alfonso Barón – Luciano Rosso – Hermes Gaido
  • 2024

A spectacle that involves acrobatics and comfort

A spectacle that involves acrobatics and comfort

After five years of world tour, Un poyo rojo is presented with a hit that brings together physical theater, contemporary dance, acrobatics and hilarious comedy. A radio and two homes that challenge, fight and seduce each other in a locker room, exploring the limits of body language and various interpretations. With provocation, the problem invites us to come back to our mateixos and to reconèixer our most physical facet. With multiple lectures on human abilities, its fresh language connects with all audiences.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Authorship: Un Poyo Rojo
Direction: Hermes Gaido
Performers: Alfonso Barón i Luciano Rosso
Choreographers: Luciano Rosso, Nicolás Poggi i Alfonso Barón
Lighting: Hermes Gaido
Production: Un Poyo Rojo i T4

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+ Info

Show including the Artèria package

Connexió Iberoamèrica


13 October, 18:00
Duration: 1 h
Spectacle sense text
Price: 28 € / 18 €

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