Un matrimoni de Boston

David Mamet - Emma Vilarasau

    Emma Vilarasau and Marta Marco star in the new version of Mamet's text, once again directed by Josep Maria Mestre.

    Emma Vilarasau and Marta Marco star in the new version of Mamet's text, once again directed by Josep Maria Mestre.

    In 2005, Josep Maria Mestres shook up the Catalan stage with a more heartbreaking text by David Mamet and three stars in a state of grace: Anna Lizaran, Emma Vilarasau and Marta Marco. Almost twenty years later, the director returns to the play, giving Emma Vilarasau the role then played by Anna Lizaran, while Marta Marco will play the role played by Vilarasau and incorporating Emma Arquillué, who was not in the original production, inheriting the role of Marta Marco. With penetrating and incisive dialogue, Mamet explores the power relations between a well-to-do couple, characters full of contradictions that emerge over the course of an evening.


    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: David Mamet
    Translation: Joan Sallent
    Direction: Josep Maria Mestres
    Performers: Emma Vilarasau, Marta Marco and Emma Arquillué
    Set design: Paco Azorin
    Costumes: Nídia Tusal
    Lighting: Ignasi Camprodon
    Sound space: Jordi Bonet
    Characterization: Noelia López
    Co-production: La Villarroel y Un 9 Theater to the East

    Veure més

    De la mateixa companyia

    By the same author
    Una altra pel·lícula (TA15)



    From the same director
    L’oreneta (TA22)

    + Info


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    4 October, 20:005 October, 18:005 October, 21:006 October, 19:006 October, 21:30
    Duration: 1:40h
    Price: 36€ / 25€ / 10€