Tre modi per non morire

Toni Servillo

    From the Greek classics through Dante to Baudelaire to teach us the art of encountering life

    From the Greek classics through Dante to Baudelaire to teach us the art of encountering life

    Toni Servillo presents a theatrical journey through the writings of Giuseppe Montesano. This production from the Piccolo Teatro di Milano explores how the poetry of Baudelaire, Dante and the Greeks teaches us to love life.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Giuseppe Montesano
    Direction and interpretation: Toni Servillo
    Lighting: Claudio De Pace
    Subtitles: Prescott Studio

    Veure més
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    From the same director and actor

    Le voci di dentro (TA13), Trilogia della villeggiatura (TA09), entre d’altres

    + Info

    Premiere in the Spanish State


    29 November, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h 35 min
    Show in Italian with Catalan subtitles
    Price: 36 € / 28 € / 10 €