Tota aquesta por que ara tinc

Guillem Albà

    Guillem Albà brings to temporada Alta this visceral and personal theatrical exercise that hybridizes performance, humor, word, and gesture.

    Guillem Albà brings to temporada Alta this visceral and personal theatrical exercise that hybridizes performance, humor, word, and gesture.

    Always magnetic, optimistic and vital, in the last seventeen years Guillem Albà has exalted the masses and moved people with poetic pieces. Now he explores chaos with the irreverent Andrea Jiménez.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Direction: Andrea Jiménez
    Performers: Guillem Albà and Aitana Giralt
    Creation and dramaturgy: Marc Angelet, Andrea Jiménez and Guillem Albà
    Stage space: Judit Colomer
    Lighting: Jou Serra
    Costumes: Joana Martí
    Production: Guillem Albà Company and the GREC Barcelona Festival

    Veure més

    From the same artist

    Ma solitud (TA22), Jaleiu (TA20), Calma! (TA19), Pluja (TA16)

    8 December, 18:00
    Duration: 1 h (aprox.)
    Price: 28 € / 18 €