Machine de Cirque

Vincent Dubé – Yohann Trépanier – Raphaël Dubé – Maxim Laurin – Ugo Dario – Frédéric Lebrasseur
  • 2024

The Quebec troupe demonstrates its mastery of the circus arts with a dizzying show

The Quebec troupe demonstrates its mastery of the circus arts with a dizzying show

Five isolated characters will try to contact other survivors with the help of a strange machine. They distract themselves with flights of fancy and share a special talent for putting themselves in dangerous situations. How else could they survive in a universe devoid of women and computers? Senseless, moving and comic, they masterfully handle a weighing scale, juggling mallets, a drum kit and even a towel! The Quebec circus company presents the show with which it became known in 2015 and with which it has travelled halfway around the world.

Free babysitting service by the Aula de Teatre de Figueres for children between 3 and 12 years old.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Original idea, writing, artistic direction and staging: Vincent Dubé
‍Writing and directing collaborators: Yohann Trépanier, Raphaël Dubé, Maxim Laurin, Ugo Dario and Frédéric Lebrasseur
Music: Frédéric Lebrasseur
Performers: William Borges, Oliver Buti, Francis Gadbois, András Jagudits and Matthes Speidel
Alternating musician: Frédéric Lebrasseur, Olivier Forest or Jérémie Carrier
Artistic advisors: ‍‍Patrick Ouellet, Harold Rhéaume, Martin Genest
Set Design Consultants: Josée Bergeron-Proulx, Julie Lévesque and Amélie Trépanier 
Costume Designer: Sébastien Dionne
Lighting Designer: Bruno Matte
Sound Designer: René Talbot
Mechanical engineer: David St-Onge 
Technical Director: Patrice Guertin

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to the members of the Board of Directors for their invaluable collaboration, which is essential to the success of Machine de Cirque.

Veure més
+ Info

Premiere in the Spanish State

Show included in the Arteria package

3 November, 18:00
Duration: 1 h 30 min
From 8 years old
All children from 3 years old must have a ticket for the show.
Price: 30€, 25€ i 10€


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