
Sergi Belbel – Enric Cambray
  • 2024

Hamlet, increasingly mad in everyone's eyes, finally finds a way to carry out his revenge: the theater

Hamlet, increasingly mad in everyone's eyes, finally finds a way to carry out his revenge: the theater

Telling Shakespeare’s play as a stand-up comedy monologue, a challenge that brings together Sergi Belbel and Enric Cambray. All the characters are summoned to read the tragedy in a humorous way.

Artistic team

Artistic team

Written and directed by: Sergi Belbel
Assistant Director:Júlia Bonjoch
Performer: Enric Cambray
Technical tour manager: Raimon Segura
Technical coordination: Josep Iglesias
Wardrobe construction: Goretti
Production company: Associació Primera Rèplica i Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Head of Production and Distribution: Roser Soler
With the support of: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura
Con el apoyo de: Cardedeu Inspirant Cultura (support for the creation of the Ajuntament de Cardedeu)

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From the same director

Lali Symon (TA23), Hamlet.01 (TA22), Final de partida (TA21), Kassandra (TA18), Caiguts del cel (TA16), Els dies feliços (TA14), La Bête (TA12), El ball (TA09), A la Toscana (TA07), Forasters (TA04)

18 October, 20:00
Duration: 1 h 50 min
Price: 28 i 18 €

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