Els Buonaparte

Ramon Madaula – Sílvia Munt

    It is a comedy full of good reasons that hide the most unspeakable virtues and sins.

    It is a comedy full of good reasons that hide the most unspeakable virtues and sins.

    After occupying Spain, Napoleon puts his brother on the throne of the kingdom. A new comedy by Ramon Madaula bursting with jealousy and disputes in which history is written as a great farce.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Ramon Madaula
    Director: Silvia Munt
    Performers: Pau Roca, David Bagés and Oriol Guinart
    Set design: Sebastià Brosa and Paula Bosch
    Lighting: Lluís Serra
    Costumes: Carlota Ricart
    Production company: Teatro Akademia

    Veure més
    1 December, 18:00
    Duration: 1 h 15 min
    This show will be on sale on 12 September as part of the Banyoles Theatre programme
    Price: 26 €