Dues ales

Farrés Brothers & Cia

    A show for the whole family based on a story by Cristina Bellemo

    A show for the whole family based on a story by Cristina Bellemo

    The Farrés Brothers return to puppets with a tender story about the strangers around us. A personal show full of poetry and humour with a particular vision of the world.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Cristina Bellemo
    Playwright: Jordi Palet
    Direction: Dora Cantero
    Performers: Jordi Farrés, Pep Farrés
    Set design: Laura Clos (La Closca)
    Set designer: Nídia Tusal
    Music: Núria Lozano
    Lighting: Toni Ubach
    Production company: Farrès Brothers

    With the collaboration of Temporada Alta

    Veure més
    + Info


    1 December, 12:00
    Duration: 55min
    From 2 years old
    All children from 3 years old must have a ticket for the show
    Price: 10 €