Coral romput

Pere Arquillué – Toti Soler

    Toti Soler and Pere Arquillué give us one of Vicent Andrés' most emblematic pieces

    Toti Soler and Pere Arquillué give us one of Vicent Andrés' most emblematic pieces

    Pere Arquillué recites Vicent Andrés Estellés’ most monumental poem, Coral roto. A tribute also to the actor Ovidi Montllor with the guitarist of the original recording, Toti Soler.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Vicent Andrés Estellés
    Performer: Pere Arquillué
    Music: Toti Soler
    Production company: Mola Producciones

    Veure més
    9 November, 20:00
    Duration: 1 h
    Price: 28 € / 18 €