Andreu Buenafuente

La ràdio que em va parir

    Andreu Buenafuente reflects on his 40 years of radio broadcasting in the form of a humorous monologue.

    Andreu Buenafuente reflects on his 40 years of radio broadcasting in the form of a humorous monologue.

    Of the 100 years of radio, Andreu has lived 40, although he does not appear to have done so. In a tribute to the medium that has seen him grow as a professional, Andrés brings his reflections on the profession of radio to the stage in the form of a humorous monologue. A review of different personal experiences, some of the most important historical events of the last century -always lived through the transistor-, and the past, present and future of the radio we know.

    ‘La ràdio que em va parir’ is also a starting point for Andreu’s uncomplicated confessions, and for a general portrait of the mood of our society. In short, Buenafuente in his purest form.

    Artistic team

    Artistic team

    Author: Andreu Buenafuente, David Martos and Rafel Barceló
    Director and performer: Andreu Buenafuente
    Lighting and sound: Eudald Gili
    Set design: Rosa Domingo

    A production of El Terrat

    Veure més
    16 October, 20:0017 October, 20:00
    Duration: 1:30h
    Price: 38€ / 28€ / 15€