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Una lluita constant
Carlota Subirós - La Ruta 40
Girona, December 9th
A performance about the political activism and the living record created by the company, La Ruta 40 and the director Carlota Subirós
Drawing on living memory, this piece traces the history of collective struggle through time, from generation to generation. A project on political activism that combines research and theatre-making, by La Ruta 40 and director Carlota Subirós.

Artistic team
- Authorship: La Ruta 40 and Carlota Subirós
- Direction: Carlota Subirós
- Cast: Alberto Díaz, Albert Prat, Alba Pujol and Maria Ribera
- Collaboration in creation: Sergi Torrecilla and Xesca Salvà
- Production: La Ruta 40
- Co-production: Temporada Alta
- With the collaboration of: Sala Beckett
- With the support of: Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- www.laruta40.net
By the same company of: Cúbit (TA16), La col·lecció (TA15), El balneari (TA13), Fa una mica de soroll (TA12)
By the same director of: La llavor del foc (TA16 / TA17 / TA18), Otel·lo (TA06), King (TA06), Nel mezzo del
cammin di nostra vita (TA05)