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Analytical sessions on Tuesdays after seeing the performances from 19:00 to 22:00 at El Galliner: 15th October, 5th, 12th and 26th November, and 3rd and 10th December 2013
A course which, through the analysis of six of the shows performances, aims to equip participants with tools for theatrical comprehension and to provide an in-depth analysis of the elements and resources of the theatrical arts.
The course is run by Jordi Sala Lleal, Professor of Literary Theory and Historical Theory of the Theatre at the UdG.
‘Ne m’oublie pas’ by Philippe Genty (13th October); ‘Wasteland’ by Lluís Danés (1st November); ‘The lower depths’ by Oskaras Korsunovas (9th November); ‘Fauna’ by Romina Paula (21st November); ‘Susn’ by Thomas Ostermaier (30th November) and ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by The Propeller (5th December).
180 euros.
Admission included. Limited places.
El Galliner – 972 205 884 www.elgalliner.cat
Fundació UdG – 972 210 299
Espectacle sense text
Espectacle recomanat a majors de 18 anys