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Maduixa Teatre
Centre Cultural La Mercè
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ras! makes the audience the star of a cocktail of sensations
Following a long and very successful tour (that has seen theatres filled in festivals throughout Spain, France, Italy and Norway), the Valencian company, Maduixa Teatre, presents ras! at Temporada Alta. This interdisciplinary production combines theatre, dance and plastic arts.

Artistic team
- Author and: Juan Pablo Mendiola
- Cast: Lara Sanchis and Joan Santacreu
- Voice-over: Alfred Picó
- Choreography: Mamen Garcia
- Creation of plastic arts: Patricia Barrachina
- Music: Paco Gamelo
- Set design: Maduixa Teatre
- Costume design: Joan Miquel Reig
- Lighting: Juan Pablo Mendiola
- Photography: Jordi Pla
- Video: Nirvana imatge
- Production: Maduixa Teatre SL
Centre Cultural La Mercè
Saturday, 8
– 12:00
– 17:00
Espectacle sense text
Espectacle recomanat a majors de 18 anys