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Jordi Casanovas
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Second part of the trilogy by Jordi Casanovas about Catalan identity
Following Una història catalana (TNC, 2011), the young playwright, Jordi Casanovas, debuts Pàtria, the second part of a trilogy that reflects on the identity of Catalonia. Casanovas is the director and playwright for the theatre company Flyhard and has written over thirty works for theatre.

Artistic team
- Dramaturgy and direction: Jordi Casanovas
- Cast: Marcel Borràs, Àlex Casanovas, Lluïsa Castells, Francesc Orella, Fermí Reixach and Rosa Vila
- Assistant director: Blanca Bardagil
- Set design: Jordi Soler
- Costume design: Albert Pascual
- Sound: Damien Bazin
- Light design: David Bofarull
- Production: EL CANAL Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona i Teatre Lliure