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Marcel·lí Antúnez
Centre Cultural La Mercè
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From the Allegory of the Cave to Smartphones
The mechatronic performance of Marcel·lí Antúnez returns to the festival with Pseudo, a kaleidoscope of theatre in which the poetic art of Luigi Pirandello is fused with sensors, screens, smartphones and groundbreaking technology.

Artistic team
- Direction, dramaturgy, ilustrations and interpretation: Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca
- Music: Andrea Valle
- Technical direction and light design: Oriol Ibañez
- Event booking: Sam Roig, Sergi Lario, Matteo Sisti Sette, Javier Chavarri y Jesús de la Calle
- Animation: Liliana Fortuny
- Head of graphics: Wahab Zeghlache
- Costume design: Paloma Bome
- Sound: Paolo Armao/ASA Lab
- Pseudo’s head mechanisation: Christian Konn
- Electronics: Hangar.org, Hector López
- Production: Festival Grec de Barcelona 2012, ICEC de la Generalitat de Catalunya and Panspermia SL
Centre Cultural La Mercè
Friday, 5
– 21:00
Espectacle sense text
Espectacle recomanat a majors de 18 anys