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No m’oblideu mai
Llàtzer Garcia
Girona, October from 5th to 7th
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Through real testimonies Llàtzer Garcia creates a convincing documentary theatre play on the subject of suicide in youths
A verbatim theatre piece faithfully reproduces the words of real peo-ple. In this case, the performers re-voice first-hand accounts of a subject that is taboo in modern society: suicide among young people and teenagers. Giving voice to those directly affected achieves a pro-foundly moving level of verisimilitude.

Artistic team
- Direction: Llàtzer Garcia
- Research and documentation: Elies Barberà, Marta Montiel i Llàtzer Garcia
- Cast: Elies Barberà i Marta Montiel, with the collaboration of Edu Vàsquez
- Technical design: Lluís Robirola
- Coordination of Verbatim cycle: Ferran Joanmiquel
- Production: Mithistòrima Produccions, SL i Sala La Planeta
- With the support of: ICEC, Ajuntament de Girona i Diputació de Girona
- With the collaboration of: Fàbrica de creació La Seca – Espai Brossa
- www.laplaneta.cat
By the same author: Els nens desagraïts (TA17), Spender (TA17), La pols (TA16), Sota la ciutat (TA15), Vida i mort d’un farsant – Torneig de dramatúrgia (TA11), Ens hauríem d’haver quedat a casa (TA10)
Friday, 5
– 20:30
Saturday, 6
– 18:00
Sunday, 7
– 18:00
Not numbered
Post-performance discussion following each session