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Ivan i els gossos
Pau Carrió / Pol López
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Pau Carrió and Pol López bring their adaptation by the dramatist Hattie Naylor to the stage
1996, Moscow. The fall of communism has thrown thousands of people onto the streets. Ivan is four, he runs away to find a home on the streets with a pack of feral dogs.

Artistic team
Text: Hattie Naylor
Direction: Pau Carrió
Performer: Pol López
Translation: Pau Carrió
Lighting design: Raimon Rius
Sound: Raffel Plana
Voiceovers: Paula Blanco, Miquel Cabal and Xènia Diakonova
Production: Teatre Lliure
Thursday, 5
– 21:00
Espectacle sense text
Espectacle recomanat a majors de 18 anys