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Don’t wait until Friday
El Graner and Temporada Alta continue to develop their collaboration agreement for the organization of the #FF80 programmes, a collection that takes its name from the recommendations received by Twitter users with the hashtag Follow Friday #FF.
In the same way as the users of this social network, this series of contemporary dance aims to recommend performance creators and works.
These Catalan artists form part of a particular generation (born in the 1980s) that have studied and worked abroad and who move between our national scene and foreign projects. They all work with artistic principles that promote the hybrid scene and the combination of languages. They are the #FF80 of the Festival and should not be missed!
El Graner (Centre of research, creation and development of the language of the body and movement) forms part of the Fàbriques de Creació programme and is managed by the Mercat de les Flors, in collaboration with the PDC and CPDC.
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