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Maduixa Teatre
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Interdisciplinary production based on the visual poetry of Joan Brossa
Following the rip-roaring success of their tour, the Valencian company Maduixa Teatre takes Girona by storm with Consonant, a production based on theatre, dance, poetry, visual arts and new technologies, which finds its source of inspiration in the visual poetry of Joan Brossa. At the last festival, audiences were able to savour Ras! This year, directed by Juan Pablo Mendiola once again, actors from the Maduixa Teatre – Aina Gimeno and Paula Garcia Sabio – take the audience on a fantastical journey inside a book, to a destination created by the imagination where letters come alive. Consonant received an award at FETEN 2012, the European festival of performing arts for children.

Artistic team
Dramatúrgia i direcció: Juan Pablo Mendiola
Intèrprets: Aina Gimeno i Paula García Sabio
Música: Paco Garnelo
Escenografia: Juan Pablo Mendiola, Joan Santacreu
Vestuari: Pascual Peris
Il·luminació: Juan Pablo Mendiola
Il·lustracions: Patricia Barrachina