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Ateneu de Celrà
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Human Manifest Border-L’animal a l’esquena
Bhum! is a manifesto, a show, a party, but above all it is the time of year when the organisation L’animal a l’esquena shares with the public the creative work by artists who have been present in its programme of support for creation on several occasions. At this 5th Bhum!, we again enjoy two days of staged international performances of theatre, circus, dance, music and audiovisual works in an incredible and amazing journey. Once again we thank the general public, artists, technicians and volunteers who have made Bhum! Possible.
Don’t miss this year’s festival; we are accompanied by great artists, good music, bar service and even a Valencian paella!
2 october:
BARBETXO, by Natxo Montero and Laia Cabrera (Basque Country – Catalonia)
A show that humorously reflects on the nature of the process of creation. The state of being fallow enables us to leave the rush, the obligations, behind. The fallow land is rest, the need for change and to get some fresh air in order to go forth, renewed and ready to face the day-to-day life once again. Leisure is game and play, the fallow land of the soul.
Artistic direction: Natxo Montero
Directors assistant: Pako Revueltas
Creation and cast: Laia Cabrera and Natxo Montero
Lighting design and photography: Gabo Punzo
Costumes design and Scenery : Natxo Montero
Video: Alaitz Arenzana. Piece funded by the Culture Department of the Basque Government. Residency program to La Fundición and to L’animal a l’esquena.
Ateneu de Celrà, 9pm
Advanced tickets sales HERE
FRIENDS IN THE LIBRARY, by Jordi Casanovas and Andreas Denk (Holland-Catalonia)
A new creation by this special duo of virtuoso dancers who lead the dance through the libraries, feeding on their environment.
3 october:
In and around Mas Espolla from 17pm
> Baro D’Evel/ LA BANDA (Catalonia-France). The wonderful members of Baro D’Evel accompany us at this year’s festival guiding us through the evening’s performances with their magical and exciting interventions. With the participation of Blai Mateu, Noemie Bouissou, Piero Steiner, Marti Soler, Julian Sicard and other guests such as Enric Ases and Pere Hosta.
>Altres capricis (Other treats), Angels Margarit (Spain). A divertimento in which dance takes as its guide the musical structure of some Capricci by Pagannini, reinterpreting the idea to engrave it onto the bodies and draw it in space. Performed by Andres Corchero, Pep Ramis, Maria Munoz, Jordi Casanovas and Angels Margarit, among others.
> UnDosTresUnDos (excerpt), by Albert Quesada and Zoltan Vakulya (Catalonia-Hungary). A couple of fantastic dancers who use their bodies and their voices to ask themselves what is flamenco and how this unwritten language (music and dance at the same time) works to create an intense and immediate communication. This is not a flamenco piece.
> Fragments de la fi del món (Fragments from the end of the world) by loscorderos.sc + MissQ (Catalonia). Has anybody got anything to say? Does anyone have to say what we have to say? But not only say for the sake of saying something: say something big, something huge. (silence). Ridiculous disciples, do you want the apocalypse? You will will have it now! Get lost in peace. In chaos there is no disorder.
> Dues històries curtes sobre l’èpica del ridícul (Two short stories about the epic of the ridiculous) by Enric Ases (Catalonia). A fragment of his last solo show, Trajectes llargs per a embarcacions petites (Long Journeys for small boats), a tragi-comic reflection on the difficulty of surviving in this world with a mínimum of coherence.
> Nunca se sabe, by Quiteria Munoz (Valencia). Singer with classical training who uses her voice to unlearn all the clichés of a soprano learnt at a Conservatoire. From Monteverdi to Arvo Part and Debussy. One never knows.
> Nova Era, by El Niño de Elche (Seville). This versatile singer, thoroughly committed to his social ideals and with a great ability to connect languages, brings us a concert in the Era of Mas Espolla
> The brides are coming tour, from Balkan Paradise Orchestra (Catalonia). Eight instrumentalists, of brass, woodwind and percussion decide to delve deeper into traditional Balkan Gypsy music, bringing freshness and joy to a genre in an unusual and ground-breaking format.
> Shhhht! by Taxeks (Catalonia). Group of fourteen young percussionists from Celra who in their performances combine music and movement with incredible energy and precision.
> Núria Font (Catalonia), in her habitual collaboration as curator, she presents us with two short films on dance selected from the international programme of the Festival IDN 2015: Off Ground (Boudewijn Koole and Jakop Ahlbom) and You Will Fall Again (Alex Pachon)
In addition, Paella Valenciana and Festa (Party) with DJ Bandida and BarContext until the early hours.
Booking essential HERE
More information and ticket purchase HERE
Programme produced with the collaboration of: Celra Town Council, Punt de Fuga, Fromzero, Nu2’s, CafeContext, Adria Miserachs, Carles Comes, El Moli Nou de Calabuig, Leo Castro, Mamen Juan-Torres, Jordi Tarrida, Jordi Bover, Joan Mercader, Neus Villa, Eduard Teixidor, Ines Munoz and all the volunteers.
Ateneu de Celrà
Friday, 2
– 21:00
Saturday, 3
– 19:00