L'animal a l'esquena
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Human Boundary Manifesto (Manifest frontera humana)
Bhum !
L’animal Tardor groups together all activities by the L’animal a l’esquena throughout September and October. The programme includes workshops, four creative laboratory-residences from 27 September and the second Bhum !.
In the surrounding area of Mas Espolla:
Guided trail by Neil Harbisson in search of the colour that best defines Mas Espolla, through his cybernetic eye.
“My neighbor sky” is a joint project by Oguri and Andrés Corchero (Japan-Los Angeles /Catalonia). The two creators and dancers met in Japan in 1986 as members of Mai-Juku, a theatre company directed by Min Tanaka.
“Infern-Purgatori-Paradís, Benaventurança”
Pep Aymerich (Cat). “Què volen de mi aquestes paraules? Aspiro a la presència a partir d’un treball físic i poètic que aprofundeixi en la matèria”. (“What do these words want of me? I seek presence through physical and poetic work that looks at matter in depth”.)
At L’animal a l’esquena
“My name is Britney Spears” is a joint project by Marta Izquierdo with music and sound by Samuel Pajand (Madrid / France).
It is a study into the phenomena of icons, and their appearance and disappearance in the show business industry.
“My fire is still burning for you”, by David Zambrano (Venezuela).
“Talking feet” is a stage project by Neil Harbisson and Moon Ribas (England / Catalonia) that looks at communication with spoken language through other parts of the body.
Andrés Corchero i Oguri “Body weather” morning sessions 1-5 October
David Zambrano “Passing Through” 9-13 October
Mal Pelo “El silenci i la possibilitat d’imaginar” 17-21 September and 15-19 October
* Programme designed and produced by L’animal a l’esquena in association with Temporada Alta
* All activities are free except for workshops
L'animal a l'esquena
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